Wednesday, February 20, 2008

science center, and some playing with exposure times

playing with exposure times and, oh yeah, the science center

more snow, I know there's alot, but bear with me

you have to click on this one, most of the pictures are in the album, they're really cool, trust me

Wes pics from fall (+ a pair of awesome shoes)

Click on the pictures to see the others, and also, if you can't see it in the picture, theres a line going between the shoes from the snow falling off the building. (there was no snow in fall and the shoe picture was a recent one)

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My Dorm at Columbia College Chicago

Here are a few photos of my room at CCC. Note: There are many different types of dorms at CCC, the one I am at is called the University Center.
525 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60605

Another note: The top photo is looking out my window...I took this photo because there must of been 6 or 7 fire trucks going of (sirens like crazy) at the same was kind of exciting. I don't think anything was going on though. I think the fire fighters were bored or something. 

more Wes

Hey, there has to be a self-shoe portrait somewhere!

Well, these are just some more pictures I took today because conditions were pretty good (as in the sun was sorta out and I actually remembered to take out my camera today).

Monday, February 11, 2008

the CFA, parts of it anyway

These are parts of parts of parts of places in the CFA (Center for the Arts) at Wesleyan. These pictures don't show, at all, the main area of the CFA, but they show another, different aspect of it.

Friday, February 8, 2008

My room

This is my room freshman year.

Columbia College Chicago

Columbia College Chicago is an Art Communication School in the "Loop" (in Downtown Chicago). Just a short walk away from The Art Institute of Chicago Museum, Lake Michigan, Grant Park, and Millennium Park (among many other things). Also the red line on the "El" makes it easy to get to N. Michigan Ave where you can find many stores and Water Tower.

Click on the photo of the Sears Tower to see other photos of Columbia College Chicago & The "Loop"

It snowed today!

It snowed today! This was around 10 in the morning so the sun hadn't really come out yet and it was still snowing. It got sunny later and it was so amazing, but I didn't have my camera with me and i could catch it.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Wesleyan University

click on the picture to see the whole album

Wesleyan University is a liberal arts college in CT. It's been around for a long long time and has a really crazy history. It's as if it changes every couple decades into a completely different school. That, or I could just have a crazy opinion about things. Look it up, it's pretty interesting.