Sunday, April 20, 2008

Olin Library Stacks! (Wesleyan)

From Olin Library ...

so these are the stacks in Olin Library, mostly just floor 2A (yeah, I needed a break so I took some random pictures). 2A seems like a good place to study and whatnot. It's quiet, looks over the rest of Olin Library and you get your own little desk.

Zhilka Gallery (I hope I spelled that right) (Wesleyan University)

From Zhilka gallery

These are the senior art thesis in the Zhilka Gallery. These are amazing, I've been going to these each week since they change them, I think, every wednesday. If your around, I definitely recommend checking Zhilka out.

I'm actually not sure if I'm allowed to post these because they have other people's work in them, but if I'm not, someone let me know.

Spring, actually, but this time from a camera-phone (Wesleyan University)

From spring (but o...

So, spring's finally here but I only got the pictures from my phone, sorry..

Most of these pictures are from the CFA (the Center For the Arts) which i've realized, is becoming my favorite part of campus. Especially around this time when people have started to put their art pieces up.

Spring! finally, but not fully (Wesleyan University)

From spring! final...

Spring's finally here, but not completely (well in these pictures anyway)

Spring is amazing, this is only when it started to get warmer.


From snow!!!

I forgot how beautiful the snow was

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Syracuse University

I was close to attending Syracuse U., but I decided to go somewhere else instead. Here are a few photos from my visit to Syracuse.