Monday, May 26, 2008

so it's summer

So, well it's summer now, which probably means that we won't be having too many new posts, but on another note, Barack Obama just came to Wesleyan to speak. I thought that was pretty cool and I don't really have anything better to post, so here it is:


Monday, May 12, 2008

this is a picture of the first time it snowed, although it didnt snow very much

just the view from my window

there was a really really cool sunset one night where the sky was completely red and pink but by the time i got up to room to get the camera that sunset wasnt as cool

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pictures that didn't really fit into the other posts (Wesleyan University)

Some good ol' Wesleyan activism

ahh, the sun is out.

From OK, now I hav...

These just didn't really fit into other posts but I had to put them somewhere.


Usdan Student Center (Wesleyan University)

From OK, now I hav...

So this is the new Usdan Student Center. They closed down Davenport, which is now some sort of academic building, and moved everything here. It was supposed to be some new building that was going to revolutionize the student experience but it gets mixed reviews. Personally, I mostly only go there when I have to, such as to pick up mail and such. Check out the album for more pictures.

OK, now this actually is Spring (Wesleyan University)

From OK, now I hav...

So, now I actually do have pictures of Spring here at Wes. I also realize that my pictures kind of make the place look deserted but I'll blame that on the fact that I take my pictures in the morning.

By the way, you should definitely check this album out. It's got some amazing pictures in it.

WestCo (Wesleyan University)

From WestCo (Wesl...

This is WestCo, one of the dorms on campus. It's sort of known as the party dorm, which is partly true. The reputation is that it has the most unique, eclectic, creative people living in it. Whether that's true or not is a matter of opinion.

more Art (Wesleyan University)

From Art (Wesleyan...

Just some art I've been seeing around the CFA. I'm really starting to like this place. Some of this are is really amazing and it's great to experience it while being in it. I'll try to get pictures but the other day I was wandering through the tunnels with my friends and we walked through the trippiest, craziest installation ever. I'll try to get some pictures.